mountain in the sunset

The Most Important Piece of Legislation Directly Addressing the Climate Crisis in Our Time

Before beginning my career in community and sustainable development nearly 25 years ago, I never imagined working with activists, grassroots and national organizations, and allies in the business community to fight for the most significant climate legislation to ever pass in America. It’s been a long and tireless fight, but the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act is cause for celebration and a beacon of hope for a better future for both people and the planet.

With a $369 billion dollar investment into clean technology, energy, and pollution remediation, this is the most important piece of legislation directly addressing the climate crisis in our time. The legislation is expected to make renewable energy less expensive and will help pivot American consumers and businesses away from fossil fuels. It puts the United States on a clear path to significantly reduce our own pollution, which is good for every living person and organism on the planet. Signaling a vision of shared responsibility for our country and our planet moving forward, the bill is a symbol of real progress.

This legislative success would not have been possible without the tireless support of environmental champions and advocates on Capitol Hill, in the private sector, and at grassroots organizations across the country. The effort has been monumental, to say the least, but the work certainly isn’t over. When taking into consideration our children’s futures – to the next seven generations and beyond – we know we’re in this for the long haul. This is what a responsible path forward embodies: a sustainable future based on cooperation, science, continuous improvement, and collective transparency.

As an organization, EarthShare champions these same core values which help to make the collaborative work of the individuals, businesses, nonprofits, and other stakeholders in our network a truly inspired effort. It’s important that we stay in this together. Our community is the most valuable and powerful shared resource we have, and we encourage everyone to join us on this journey of creating a more just and sustainable planet.

Right now, we celebrate, but recognize that more important work must continue.

Thanks to all of you for your commitment!

Brad Leibov Signature - EarthShare CEO (002)

Brad Leibov
EarthShare CEO



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